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Iit answer key gate 2018

ANNOUNCED: GATE 2018 answer key, question paper released, here’s how to check

※ Download: Iit answer key gate 2018

Revisit this page for Updates we are going to update these page continuously. Previously, the provisional GATE answer key was released on February 15. Stay updated on our website to get the latest notifications the earliest.

Production and Industrial Engineering TF. GATE 2018 Answer key CSE Computer Science Engineering is the topmost preferred branch by serious candidates. If any one you want to ask anything from us Sent it to the commenting Box given Below.

GATE 2018 Question Paper with Answer Key | Analysis | Solution - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering GATE 2018 answer keys for all the subjects were released on the official website — on Monday, 19 February. So, please visit our site for more updates regarding the GATE 2018 Exam of various disciplines.

GATE 2018 Answer Key — IIT Guwahati has published final official answer key of GATE 2018 on March 13, one day before its scheduled date. Candidates can now download GATE 2018 official answer key final version here for all 23 papers. Question papers are also available for download. Previously, the provisional GATE answer key was released on February 15. After that, candidates could submit challenges from February 21 to 23. Now on the basis of challenges received, IITG is publishing final GATE 2018 Official Answer Key. As per this, will be announced at GOAPS candidate login on March 17. Since GATE 2018 is a computer based test, candidates do not have question papers after exam. Therefore IITG has also released GATE 2018 question paper along with GATE 2018 answer key and response sheet. GATE 2018 Question Papers and Answer Keys Date of exam Time Papers GATE 2018 Answer Key, Question Paper 03 Feb 2018 9 AM to 12 Noon ME EY PE XE XL 03 Feb 2018 2 PM to 5 PM ME AE MA PI 04 Feb 2018 9 AM to 12 Noon CS MN 04 Feb 2018 2 PM to 5 PM AG AR BT CH CY GG IN MT PH TF 10 Feb 2018 9 AM to 12 Noon EC 10 Feb 2018 2 PM to 5 PM EE 11 Feb 2018 9 AM to 12 Noon CE 11 Feb 2018 2 PM to 5 PM CE GATE 2018 Important Dates GATE 2018 Dates Conduct of exam 03, 04, 10, 11 Feb 2018 Availability of unofficial answer keys 03 Feb 2018 onwards Issuance of official GATE answer keys by IIT Guwahati 15 Feb 2018 Challenge of answer key with payment 21 to 23 Feb 2018 Release of final answer key 14 Mar 2018 Declaration of result of GATE 2018 17 Mar 2018 How to get GATE 2018 Answer Keys? How to challenge GATE 2018 answer key? You can challenge GATE 2018 answer key from 21 st to 23 rd February only by login through GOAPS. Please note that you will also have to pay a fee Rs 500 per question to challenge answer keys of GATE 2018. Payment for the challenge that is accepted will be refunded. A candidate can avail the opportunity and challenge the answer key of any question after giving their viable justification. The same is to be submitted along the required sum of money. You are advised to make it absolutely sure that you quote the proper question number. While challenging the answer keys, the candidates should ensure that the question number is as per the PDF file of the question paper uploaded on the GATE 2018 website. A preview of the question selected is also shown in the contest portal. Make sure that you select the right section and the question number which you wish to contest. Please note that if the question number is not correctly identified, then the challenge will not be considered. If you are uploading any supporting document for the contest, you must mention the section name and question number in the document. About GATE 2018 Answer Key GATE Answer Keys inform test takers of correct answers. Devising the marking scheme, candidates deduce the idea of marks they might obtain in the final result. Apart from that facility, candidates can also challenge the official keys within the given time-frame before the declaration of results. Unofficial answer keys Some private coaching centers publish answer keys on the same day or a day afterexam. As per our research, candidate prefer answer key released by GATE forum, Made Easy, and Ace Academy. Although, these unofficial answer keys can be viewed for reference purpose only after the exam, It is important to realize official answer keys will give you the best results. Order of questions in GATE 2018 Answer Key GATE Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is a computer based test. Therefore, questions in the exam which appeared in a certain order may differ from the order of questions in answer key. You are strongly advised to check the question and then the answer to eliminate confusion. Paper Wise GATE 2018 Answer Keys After exam got over, answer keys, question papers and solutions of GATE 2018 have been published for each paper. Wherever boxes are marked in gray lead you to pdf versions of question paper, answer key, solutions. What is GATE 2018 Answer Key? GATE 2018 Answer Key is issued by that IIT which takes the charge of conducting the exam for that particular year. All candidates who appear in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering test are given the opportunity to analyze their exam performance using the answer key. They can even predict their marks before the result is declared. It is released paper and code wise. Architecture and Planning BT. Computer Science and Information Technology EY. Ecology and Evolution CY. Electronics and Communication Engineering EE. Geology and Geophysics IN. Production and Industrial Engineering TF. Textile Engineering and Fiber Science XE.


Candidates can get an idea about the scores they must obtain in GATE 2018 Result. The GATE 2018 Entrance Test was Scheduled for the month of Feb 2018. IIT Guwahati had organized the GATE 2018 exam this year. How to Check GATE Cut Off Marks. Electronics and Communication Engineering EE. Most of the students applied and appeared for the GATE Exam with a competitive spirit. The questions in the exam will be in random fashion to avoid cheating and use of unfair means. Download GATE Chemical Engineering Answer Key 2018 Steps For helping the students, we have given the process of downloading the GATE 2018 Chemical Engineering Answer Sheet.

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