Seniors Dating Freshmen

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I'm not sure whether a 14 year old would be mature enough to date a 17 year old. Furthermore, I generally advise against high-school relationships, I don't think it's a good time in life in which to date. While you would do nothing to ruin her reputation or stain her innocence, some of the gossiping and other junk she might possibly have to endure from others as a result of your relationship might hurt her.

Know and follow all laws regarding age of consent. Connect with TeenHelp You are not registered or have not logged in Hello guest! Not just from a legal standpoint if I turn 18 and we're dating but also I'm not at a point where I'm ready to go that far in a relationship I'll admit that probably has to do from the issues that contributed to anorexia.

Is it okay for a senior girl to date a freshman boy ↓ - Even if you don't like him it is your duty as a mother to give him a chance because your daughter likes him.

Alright before you get the wrong idea, let me fill you in: -I'm 17, he's turning 15 in a month. I kind of look like I'm 15. But over the past few months I've realized there's no stopping my feelings, I REALLY like this guy. Sure he's immature, but that doesn't phase me, I think he's hilarious. I know he likes me back, and I'm taking him to my senior prom. All the seniors love him, they joke around and call him a senior. But what do you guys think about me liking a freshman? A few months ago I wouldve thought it was weird, but I don't even see him as a freshman anymore. At first glance it seems odd, but I can remember teaching classes with all levels of students in there. Some of the freshman were much more mature than juniors and seniors, so it depends on the person. If he's mature enough for you and it's bringing good things rather than trouble or ridicule, then I don't see a problem. I decided he was the one for me. Now I couldn't be happier. I use to think like that too. I actually use to like girls older than I was around 2 years and thought I would not like any girls younger, but then recently few months back , I noticed it is not wrong to, since you cannot help your feelings. I thought it seemed weird too, since sometimes they may look too young, but it is all up to you, if you want to make any moves. I think it is cute and very nice. It is normal to be in love, with whomever, without thinking about anything physical about him. My senior year I started dating a freshman as well. I'd known him since I was a sophomore and had liked him since I met him. I'm still dating him infact. He's a sophomore now Friends and the teachers that knew me well didn't care at all but some of the other teachers had problems with it. Including the principle, from what my boyfriend's told me. Almost every day we had this old guy that worked there getting on our case for being together. That didn't stop us. So, if you really like this boy, go for it. His and your feelings are all that matter, no one else's.

How Seniors Look Dating Freshmen
Everyone picks up on body cues subconsciously so communicate confidence with good posture, direct eye contact, and an easygoing smile. I thought it seemed weird too, since sometimes they may look too young, but it is all up to you, if you limbo to make any moves. Not just from a legal standpoint if I turn 18 and we're dating but also I'm not at a point where I'm ready to go that far in a relationship I'll admit that probably has to do from the issues that contributed to anorexia. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. But what do you jesus think about me liking a freshman?. Get to know the guy. After a few years, most students develop more confidence and ease and this comes naturally with age.